How Much Time do You Surf on Audiogon?

I found myself spending a half hour on my lunch break at work, and an additional two hours at home !!
I won't mention weekends.
My system sounds great.
Anyone else out there have this habit ?

If you guys think you have it bad. I sometimes get up in the middle of the night and log on. It's the first thing I do when I wake up and the last before I go to bed. That is if I can stay in bed long enough LOL.

Holy mackeral Freakygreek !!
I've done the same thing too !!
Middle-of-the-night syndrome, like raiding the fridge !!
There are lots of better things to do with my time than spending it on Audiogon, I just don't know what they are.
I told people I only log on to "check my e-mails" but that excuse wore thin. Now I usually log on late at night so I don't have people asking me stupid questions about what I'm doing on the internet.
If new revolutionary products didn't keep coming out weekly, maybe I could stop hanging out at A-gon and devote my time to other things - like sleep.
Sometimes I can't stop responding to threads. I think I have diarrhea of the hands. Help!

This would rank in the top five. I had my internet acess revoked at work for being on instead of working. Due to that I called in sick just to follow my thread. I love working in a union enviroment.
