sistrum vs neuance

Anyone tried both products? What differences did you hear. A similar thread degenerated in to arguements and name calling. Please, could we talk about the sonics and leave the physics and egos out? I don't want to fight about isolation, energy transfer, etc. but I would love to hear your listening experiences with both products. Thanks
Yea there are a lot of posts I write and then delete or never post at all. Talking to a few others on here they find themselves doing the same thing more and more often.Tom
Anyway, the Audiopoints are keepers in my Kenwood monoblocks (driving the subs). They are well suited for that application...
Psychic...dude...nice save. I thought you were headed for the wall, and you managed to negotiate the turn perfectly.

Kumbayya, Lord, kumbayya...
Ken- if I move back to putting two monoblocks side by side on the bottom shelf of the ~ 22.75" wide Sistrum SP-6 rack (which, with the 3 audiopoints, only support one component, hence the need for the shelf), I will get a Neuance shelf, 22" wide by ~ 19" or 20" deep. How HIGH is a Neuance shelf (i.e. 1"; 1.5"??), and what is the price??