sistrum vs neuance

Anyone tried both products? What differences did you hear. A similar thread degenerated in to arguements and name calling. Please, could we talk about the sonics and leave the physics and egos out? I don't want to fight about isolation, energy transfer, etc. but I would love to hear your listening experiences with both products. Thanks
Psychic...dude...nice save. I thought you were headed for the wall, and you managed to negotiate the turn perfectly.

Kumbayya, Lord, kumbayya...
Ken- if I move back to putting two monoblocks side by side on the bottom shelf of the ~ 22.75" wide Sistrum SP-6 rack (which, with the 3 audiopoints, only support one component, hence the need for the shelf), I will get a Neuance shelf, 22" wide by ~ 19" or 20" deep. How HIGH is a Neuance shelf (i.e. 1"; 1.5"??), and what is the price??
Sutts being an avid supporter for years of Audiopoints and later Sistrum and now a dealer of both,I would recommend that you not use a shelf of wood or one that decouples..At this point because of the architecture of the Sistrum rack I would use a similar material to that of the actual shelf,.that material would be leaded steel.The actual makeup..I do not know the formula..ask Robert. I can tell you from experience that in the the design of a new end pin for cello and bass the use of dissimilar materials totally created havoc with the sonic signature and speed of the instrument. Most of these pins use 5 different materials. So to keep the sound consistent and coherent and whole I would place a leaded steel shelf on top of the upward facing points of the Sistrum shelf.On top of the new shelf but under your mono amps I would use correctly sized Audiopoints choosen to match the mass of the chassis above..Tom
Thanks Tom- thats' an idea. Sounds like it would just be easier to get a big single-chassis stereo tube amp, and just put it directly on the points...