How do I go backwards?

I need the help of those people who have cut back on their systems. Due to the deep financial problems my health has created I need to sell off my system, either fully or partially. My system is a Sony SCD-1 (modified) front end, an Aesthetix Calypso pre-amp, two Plinius SA-102 amps bi-amped vertically, Dunlavy IVa speakers and all Nordost Valhalla cabling. My initial feeling is that the front end and speakers have the least value, in that Dunlavy is out of business and the Sony is modified. The cabling is by far the most out of line cost wise for the system I have so I’m looking at them first. So my first question is for people who have tried or sold their Valhalla cables for something substantially cheaper without loosing the detail, speed and transparency. Please speak from experience and what you felt was lost by going “backwards.” Secondly I’m going to need to sell one of the Plinius amps, and possibly both and replace with ????
My biggest concern is my system is so good and soooo musical I’m afraid stepping backward will result in a system that will no longer be enjoyable, and thus my love for recorded music will be lost. I hate to think of no music, but I know if my system looses too much, I’ll simply quit listening. I hope to avoid that.
Please share your experiences and your opinions on how to cut back.
Thank you
Oh my am I glad I clicked on this thread. JD, I wish you had at least gotten with me as we are closeby. I already had half a system for you in my mind by the time I got to Lugnut's response. And from what he can ship to you and what I can give to you, you should have pretty good music in short time with your CD player and speakers.

You know I'm a bloom and dimensionality fan here, not quite the high-resolution guy here as you, but I have an amp and several pairs of XLR cables for you if they bring on a musical enjoyment back at your home. The amp is my long time favorite backup: the Counterpoint NPS400 which might not have the Plinius detail, but brings on an outstanding level of musicality. And I can bring over a stack of XLR cables, NBS Statement, Signature, Harmonic Tech One, SilverAudio Apassionata, and some power cords too.

So between Lugnut and I, we have your electronics and cables covered. I can even bring these over one night this week to let you hear them and even help you set some things up. Just let me know when you have a free evening.

You guys are like the audio EMT's. Unbelievable!

JD, sounds like you will soon have full system relief. If not, please post again afterwards and let us know what you still need.
All the best,
Jd, sorry to read about your misfortune. It sounds as if you have some true friends here at Agon. The generosity displayed has to lift your spirits. It touched me, and I don't know these people personally.
Although my previous system didn't approach yours, I did downsize when I moved my gear into a small dedicated listening room. I have been extremely satisfied with the results. In fact, as I slowly gave up chasing the next upgrade, I have been enjoying more music more often. Good luck to you.
I know what it is like to be somewhat in your position, I have had some extremely nice folks here help me with equipment due to my disability, I just wish I had something to give back, although my rig is not hi-fi, it is neither low-fow.....its is MI-FI lol.
I wish you all the best in your health...that is far more important than anything else but I truely hope you still are able to enjoy audio. God bless you through your trials.