Opinions Needed: Active or passive pre

My system consists of Sony sacd777,Bel Canto Dac1, Placette remote volume control, Sim Audio Moon W-3 amp, Magnaplaner 1.6, Rel Strata 2 Sub.I am considering replacing the Placette with a CJ Premiere 14 to get some of that tube midrange magic. Good idea? Bad idea? Any and all opinions would be appreciated.
Yes of course: front ends aren't typically designed to drive 2 pair of interconnects & the 'device' in between (typically just the attenuator in a passive). Elizabeth certainy you've read the threads regarding driving a SS amp with a tube pre. I tried this a couple of times; once with a VTL & then with a Golden Tube. The GT was miraculous, but I didn't buy it since they're out of business & there would be no product support. Per John, you need the gain of a preamp to get fullness & slam-factors lacking in a passive.
try a melos preamp - either the sha-gold/maestro, or the ma-333/music director - *very* transparent & detailed, *unbelievable* drive & dynamics. doug
I experience the EXACT same thing related to volume control. Also the interconnects are a factor. When I use my red dawn interconnects, the passive preamp has a little more juice than when I use my much lower end esoterica audio interconnect. Also, I recently bought an audio research ph-3 phono preamp. This has a tubed output stage. When I use it to drive my AR tube amplifier, I much prefer the passive mode. There is an unworldly clarity that comes in. I believe this is due to the all-tube amplification stage. I wonder what my cd would sound like with a tube cd player ?
joekras, the bel canto seems to be alittle smoother and has less glare in the treble, It also has more "atmosphere" I think the upsampling helps