Granite Under Speakers Over A Wood Floor

I would Like to use something over my wood floor that would not scratch it like the spikes do. I remember seeing sonus farber speakers on granite blocks. Does anyone have any experience with this? How would this sound?
Robert C. Maicks: as ceo of star sound technologies, llc, you must get to pick the company's theme song, eh? i'd suggest you listen to track 4 of mark knopfler's latest cd, "sailing to philadelphia." just so you don't hafta look it up your busy little self or, shudder, call in any chits from all your fabulously sucessful years in the record biz, the name of the cut is "baloney again." cheers! thecornfedboynotofnebraskaoranyotherstateaboutwhichbrucehaseverwritten
robert, i tink cornfedboy's objections stemmed not so much from the issue of whether or not y'all are fonies, but from the fact that, until yer *cover* was blown on on this thread, y'all were tryin' to come across as non-professional, disinterested end-users, who yust really like the product.

yust my opinion, doug s.

CornFB back to your original response I noticed several speakers in photos at CES using 12x12 polished marble tiles
under spiked speakers, sometimes turned diagonally for wide speakers. I recently bought some for $2 each at local builder square for use with Aurios MIBs under components,
but may now experiment with speakers as you state with Avalons set-up
This is a very serious thread. ALL I WANTED TO KNOW WAS -
HAS ANYONE HAD ANY EXPERIENCE WITH GRANITE UNDER THEIR SPEAKERS? Most everyone has been quick to point out the problems, but has anyone had any real experience with this?
Megasm you stated you have polished marble -how does it sound? Is there any improvement? Are the floors intact?
Cornfedboy lighten up! We all have an agenda.
I've been experimenting with 1 1/4" polished granite slabs under my Genesis V speakers on a rug over a suspended wood floor. I have tried using DH cones and Pulsar points with and without the granite. Right now I'm back to just the granite slabs (24"x24") and think this sounds the best, with tightened bass response and improved detail and image focus (maybe w/ the cones the speakers are raised to high???). Haven't noticed any 'ringing' that some have commented on. If anything, it's smoother. Hope this helps.