How would you rate your listening room?

I think most people visiting Audiogon are familiar with Stereophile's equipment rating system. So, more or less using that system, how does your main listening room rate as to potential music quality? I've given this some thought, and at 14'W 22'L and 7.5'H, I'd rate my room as "B", mainly because of decent dimensions. With the addition of ASC treatment(s), which I've done, I'd upgrade it to "B+", and if I were to go to good quality monitor speakers (which I won't) with bass to about 40HZ, I could maybe upgrade the room to "A-". My room could never be full class A IMHO because of low ceiling height. I'd like 9 ft. ceilings and a 2-3 more feet of width. Also, as I like good sized near full range speakers (I have Vand. 3Asigs.), I doubt I'd be willing to go to smaller speakers. Have others thought of rating their rooms? Cheers. Craig.
My room really suck. I mean really, really sucks. I had a great listening room once. It was perfect. 9'x 14'4" x 22'5"! Almost a perfect 1.6 ratio room. But now I have an 8'x11.5'x16' room that is plaster walls and ceiling with hardwood floors and two large throw rugs. My ex-wife calls my old perfect listening room her livingroom now. Life suck but not as much as this listening room does......
Good thread. I'd probably give mine a B/C. No bass boominess whatsoever, but no bass either. 14' x 22' by variable height ceilings, rising from 8' at the walls and shooting up to the moon in the middle. But it's a beautiful living room and I love it in all other respects.
Jazzcatlewis; I got two closets bigger than that...... Just kidding. Garfish, If you put your room in the classified,give me first crack at it! No haggling/ will cod be ok? I have a C -"room",/ Borderline class D. One of those L-shaped nightmares. Everybody feel sorry for me? Wadda ya mean, hell NO.? I just make the best of it. It takes 80 grand to make it sound like a 30grand system. I hope when I go to sell this room; the buyer hasn't read this post.
Like Jazzcat my room absolutly sucks. It is a T shaped basement area. The room is 21' long. At one end it is 11.5' wide and at the other end it is 21' wide. In the 11.5' end the ceiling is 7' and then jumps up to about 7.5' at mid point. The hi-fi is setup so that 11.5' wall is the front wall. The room widens from the 11.5' width to 21' at about the mid point of the 21' depth. The partition walls are flimsy 2x2's with cedar paneling. The front wall (11.5' wide wall) has a door in the right corner. Open the door and guess what......washer, dryer, furnace and water heater. I have hung a small picture on the front wall, on good bass thumps I can see the picture shaking. The room sucks's mine. This room is off limits to her decorating ideas. It's not off limits to her, we both love listening, just no decorating unless I do it. Doug
i'd have to give my room a class "a" rating, yust cuz of its size. while not perfectly rectangular, the dimensions are approximately 25x38x8.5. w/its slightly off-kilter shape & large size, i really don't need much acoustical treatment. the speakers can be out from the back wall, & they're way-far from the side-walls. as the floor is carpet over concrete, not much early reflections here, either. i guess i could treat the ceiling, that's about it. i've been here ~4 years now, & as this is the 1st really decent room i've had, i can really say it's easily the most important piece of audio equipment i've got.

and, craig, i suggest ewe go for those monitors - if ya like full-range sound, couple 'em w/a pair of vmps original subs (should be more than enuff for your room), & an excellent outboard x-over, like the marchand deluxe xm-9. yule be able to position each for best response, w/o compromising the other. when i 1st got my subwoofer set-up (prior to my current class "a" room), i was using thiel 3.5's. at +/-2db from 20hz to 19khz, these are truly full-range speakers, all by themselves. even so, they benefitted from being run w/a subwoofer set-up. crossed over at 70hz, the midrange got cleaner as the driver dint have to work so hard. and, the bass w/my subs is in a different league altogether. i'm currently using meret re monitors on stands in the main room, w/the subs, & it's great.

regards, doug