Legacy 20/20 and Tubes

I am running ARC VT-100 mkIII and a LS-25 pre-amp. Would this combination mate well with the 20/20.
I agree with Chadnliz as well as other happy owners.

Frankly I find it peculiar as well as disappointing that Sean has spent so much time and effort bashing Legacy. It is a shame that we are not able to have any sort of discussion on Legacy without having to deal with constant long ranting posts from Sean, like the one above, whether they have anything to do with the original post or not.

Sean, we ALL know how you feel, and you are entitled to your opinion. Many of us would like to discuss what WE LIKE for a little while please without having the overly long negative posts that you have written so many times on this one company. Again, we all know how you feel. Your thoughts are already well documented over and over.
BTW-adding "enjoy what you like" after such a high volume of negative written words is a poor cop-out disclaimer.
Why would someone as smart as Sean not have enough basic intelligence to see that the poster did not want to hear what you had to say, I cant wrap my head around the bashing of someones hard earned money to enjoy what is a passion for them, it is not productive and a bit tasteless to insult an owners purchase...especially when he never asked what you thought of his speakers, way off center and not even close to being productive rants of personal opinion do no one any good. When a speakers is purchased it has already prooven to satisfy the owner, atleast in the here and now he must love them, so who cares what charts and graphs say? What ever happened to if you dont have anything nice to say......well you know the rest.
I have enjoyed and learned alot from some of Seans posts, I just wish he could stick to positive posting that will actually help others, and step away from insulting rants and product attacks (especially the un-invited ones)
I'm not trying to start trouble or severely piss anyone off here, but I'd like to add something that I didn't include in my post from 1/14/05.

I had the Focus 20/20's for two weeks while my dealer was out of town at a show. I found them so offensive and fatiging that I pulled them out after only a few days and they sat in my office "lookin' pretty" for the remainder of there tour here in my home.
Even my girlfriend (who is not into this like I am) said, "get them F'ing things outta here!"

I promise, I'm not bashing, just posting my observations.