North Creek B&W 801 crossovers? Tried them?

I know they are rather pricey at $1600.00+... Has anyone auditioned these crossovers or own a set? I have a pair of B&W 801 S3 speakers that I drive with a CAL 2500 MCA. The sound is very nice but I was wondering what difference these crossovers would make, if any... If so would the difference be worth the $$? I only paid $2100 for the speakers (an AWESOME deal as far as I am concerned, considering the condition, PERFECT). Hope to hear from you. I am also looking for a pair of the stands they used to make for these speakers. Are there any out there for sale? Thanks for looking! Paul
Hi Bob,

I think I understand your question and will try to answer.

First...The "internal wiring" that Tab and I are were conversing about is all the wiring that runs

1) from the woofer wire on the crossover up into the cabinet and connects to the woofer and then..

2) from the woofer up into the midrange head and connects to the midrange driver.

I did not do this wiring change ( upgraded quality wire) in my set up, but left the B&W stock wiring in place. Tab also noted that B&W uses a clip connector(S2) to attach the woofer wire to the midrange wire..He felt it best to do away with this...In my S2 speaker (Anniversary model and basically a S3) it was not present,

As to the NC XO's to answer your question.

This is not really as complicted as it may sound. Basically you are disconnecting the 4 or 5 colored wires at the crossover on the speaker end.. ..then just connecting the new NC wiring by spicing into the wires where you made the just follow the color coded wires on the speaker binding post plate that match up to the existing wires with barrel crimps( supplied).The new Nc wiring runs to the new binding post plate. The plate can be mounted under the speaker. I actually left the original B&W spk binding post plate intact as you are not using it at all( You cannot replace the plate with the new NC plate as it is too big to fit in the same stock space, even though NCsays in the instructions to remove the stock plate and replace it with the NC),,,It wont fit.)..Its actually better to either attach it via a few small screws under the cabinet or let it hang behind the spkr.) Everything is cut and crimp and color coded so you really cant screw it up..Once you see the'll know how it attaches. The directions are very good.

Just another point....You could actually take the whole stock crossover off the bottom of the speaker and then just spice into the wires as noted above. I left the stock XO on the speaker in case I wanted to reconnect it back at some point,,either way and what ever is best for you though.

Hope this helps and not confuses.

Ken, thanks for the detail which I of course did not understand. Are the NC XO instructions illustrated? I can't even figure out how to open up the speaker. It seems hermetically sealed!

I'm not mechanically challenged, just completely unfamiliar with electronics. So, any idiot can do this?
If you never get them, you'll always wonder what could've been. As Kehut said they're easy to connect. Years ago, you had to hard-wire four boxes and pay $2400. Since you have an S3, the cheap clips have been eliminated, the iron core inductors changed to air versions and fluid cooled tweeters added. Aside from the NC's, you NEED the Soundanchors stands and Polycrystal/brass feet.

You can indeed do this. To start, you turn the speaker on one side and work from underneath the speaker. If you have the soundanchor stands mounted to the speaker...they must be removed including the base that attaches to the 801 itself. A large allen wrench is used here.

From there, you unscrew the bottom wood cover to expose the XO board. If you have the soundanchors already, this cover may already be off. At this point, you follow the instructions supplied by NC, and as I mentioned above.

George Short is a great guy, and you will be able to call him for any info needed during the set up if you need to. He will surely be most happy to help you by phone.

As Tab110s mentioned, if you dont already have the Soundanchor stands for all means you NEED them to place this speaker off the floor. It changes the sound so much for the better, that its like night and day difference. The addition of the external crossover will add refinement and dynamics to an already nice sounding speaker.

Ken, thanks for the additional detail. I see the route in now. ;)

Do you have to leave the 801 bottom covers permanently off in order to use the NC XOs? I already have the speakers on Sound Anchor stands.

Dust is an issue at my place. If the NC replacement binding post plates do happen to fit on my speakers, does that mean I can hook up the new external XOs through them and close up the speaker bottoms? If that is the way its supposed to work, then even if the supplied replacement plates don't fit, I could possibly recut them so that they do.