DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
AudioAri1, if only these things were 'jug'-based, I'd be the first in line to buy them. At least they'd be based on something 'tangible' and definitely enjoyable.
I just got an email from Larry Staples and yes they intend to show the X-Dream at the CES but they will not have them hooked up and playing.

Guidocorona are you saying that being 'tangible' more or less makes them a reality? Or should we be asking if they are silicon based and are considered 'tangible' should they even be considered a reality..Tom
Tom, I actually prefer purely carbon-based, auto-hooking, self-playing and. . . most eminently and concretely 'tangible' 'jugs' and jug-generating systems.