DK Design Group X-Dream - wow

Has anybody seen the review on the DK Design Group X-Dream speakers?

I better start saving up.
AudioAri1, if only these things were 'jug'-based, I'd be the first in line to buy them. At least they'd be based on something 'tangible' and definitely enjoyable.
I just got an email from Larry Staples and yes they intend to show the X-Dream at the CES but they will not have them hooked up and playing.

Guidocorona are you saying that being 'tangible' more or less makes them a reality? Or should we be asking if they are silicon based and are considered 'tangible' should they even be considered a reality..Tom
Tom, I actually prefer purely carbon-based, auto-hooking, self-playing and. . . most eminently and concretely 'tangible' 'jugs' and jug-generating systems.
Speaking of which...
In Vegas one year, I was with a group of guys doing the WCES.
A friend and I were waiting for the rest of the guys to show up to go to dinner, as we stood on the perimeter of one of the many casinos.
Up walks a young woman in a business suit, name badge and a briefcase. As a fleeting thought, when she approached us, I thought she might ask for 'directions' to a restaurant or whatever--happens all the time.
She came face to face with us and said, "Would you gentlemen like some company for the evening?"
This was totally out of context for that moment, so I said, "Excuse me?" She repeated, "Would you gentlemen like some company for the evening?"
I can't remember, but it seems that I stammered, "Uh, no thanks."
Las Vegas--what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...until the blood tests prove otherwise.
