Maker Audio NL14 and NL14+...

I would be grateful to hear any listening impressions from those of you who will be lucky enough to hear the NL14+ amps at CES or who have heard them previously. In particular if you already own an NL 10.1 or NL 12.1 and hear the 14s and are thinking of upgrading, please let me know as well. Thank you!
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xzephyr24069
Glory: Good Day! Did you ever receive the Maker NL14+ monoblocks and get them broken in? How do they sound
Why don't you message him? Much better chance of receiving a response that way.
I did and will try again; sometimes life, work, etc...take us away from forum activity so hopefully, he will eventually respond. BTW,...very nice system you have posted! were so RIGHT about what the NL14 line brings to the table!!! Just put a new NL14 Stereo amp in place of my tried and true Edge NL12.1 stereo amp. Maker has definitely raised the bar with the organic and musical attributes that the NL14 brings 'cold' right out of the box. I cannot wait to hear what this amp is capable of with 500-1000 hours on it. Soundstage density, depth and refinement have taken a big leap forward over and above the already impressive NL12.1. Packing the NL12.1 was like saying goodbye to an old and trusted friend however, based upon what i heard within 15 minutes of powering up the NL14, I will miss the NL12.1 but will not be looking back....NL14, first in North America from what I'm told. More people should hear this amp!!!

Virtual system pics are updated.....