Kanye West - Grammy comment, re Beck

Kanye West on-camera last nite: 'Beck needs to respect artistry.' Then a long rant about...ah just watch it.

What would Kanye say about Beethoven? Or Dylan? or Matisse?

Having fun with this as Twitter is aflame already with it. But the more I think about it, the more it gnaws on me. He was referring to Beck winning Album of the Year (instead of Beyonce). I could go on a long rant myself about his ego, general creepiness, but nothing I could add. But his comments are heard by millions of music fans...

Anyhoo, anyone else see those comments? Reactions?
fwiw, the pazz and job (national critics) poll had beck 16th; deangelo was first, followed by run the jewels (?), war on drugs and st. vincent. to arnettpartner's point, i think there's plenty of talent out there, but i agree the less of it is really groundbreaking or original--even the best of the current crop seems more overtly derivative than their 70s/80s forefeather, though i may be just getting old and cranky.
I've got Beck "Morning Phase" on vinyl and it a really good record and sounds big full and warm. Good songs. Not making any comment about whether or not it should have won album of the year. Just saying it is a very cool record and is meant to listen to from beginning to end. Very well done
I havn't watched the Grammys in 25 years +,(hell, I don't even know if it's been on that long) since I can't stand Hollywood and the BS. But the fact that I missed Annie Lennox sing her little fanny off is a bummer. I reckon the show is supposed to be about talent. And Annie sure fits the description, that's for sure.
I am aware that I might be getting old and cranky. But I thought the Grammies were much better than previous few years and choose to think that great music is coming back. And Magman is probably right. But the good music is not as easy to find as it was in the past.