All Merlin family members.

Do you prefer your equipment behind(not between)or to the side of your speakers? have you had it both ways and noticed a difference
hi gentlemen,
i prefer the speakers at 6 to 6.5 feet apart and listened to at 9 1/2 feet or more. you can listen wider apart or closer to them but they respond best not too far apart and listened to further away. they are designed with their power response, not nearfield on axis. dave is getting away with a farther distance apart because of his electronic's perspective and silver cabling. if he wants more depth the perceived width must equal the perceived depth and that won't happen at 8 feet. i like drapes on the wall behind them but that is my taste. corner tunes and damping the immediate and primary reflection points for a smallish room too.

Right now I have the VSMs single-wired using DIY Audio Consulting silver wire. I'm in the process of building some copper foil cables in several thicknesses to try out for biwiring.


Thanks for further clarifications regarding placement. I will try repositioning them once more... and report back.

Last night, without mentioning the change to my wife, I moved the VSMs together from 8' to 6.5' apart (maintaining a constant 9.5' to the listening position). As we sat on the couch reading and listening to music, she mentioned she felt "cramped and compressed." I moved the speakers apart to 7.5' and she said it felt much better. If only all such problems could be solved with an audio tweak...

In my system, moving the VSMs together to 6.5' produced a slight improvement in perceived depth (that is, of depth unchanged but perceptually increased relative to diminished width and height). There was also an increased concentration of sonic energy and excitement(like a nuclear fusion reaction floated inside a magnetic containment field). Moving the speakers to 7.5' liberated the entire front wall and produced a much more relaxed, lifelife presention. The larger presentation also revealed more inner detail and precise imaging.

All things being equal, I think a larger presentation with the speakers farther apart is always more impressive. Perhaps some factor in my electronics enables this: the silver Audio Consulting speaker wire in natural cotton sleeves, my modified BBAM running on 55AH SLA batteries with no voltage regulation stage and 5000uf capacitance, the BAT VK75SE. In any case, the improvement of moving the VSMs wider apart is greater than can be accounted for as a subjective opinion.
