before i write the chegue,i gotta' ask all in the know:the sound difference between VSA DB-99 and Zu Definition????? i know by all reports these are very close in all repects like value and performance,but total different sound.i am leaning to the Zu side of the fence.cost is almost the same,so that's not a factor.the drive amp will be a VAC 30/30 Sig.3 [front end is Sonic Frontier--getting old but still works.]Zu said they can burn them for 14 days so the sound should be almost complete out of the box.what to do???????
At 18 watts per, my SET doesn't make my ears bleed, but manoman, what a holographic, palpable feast of sound. That coupled with a great front end: I'm there, finally...There's no going back to ss, for this audiophool.
2bigears, This is long and my journey,
Room treatment advances everything with these speakers or any, I just finally got to put bass traps hanging over them last week, HUGE difference with highs that made the tweeter nearly dissapear, now yes they are bass traps but positioned so the first reflection from the front drivers is dead, and they hang 4" down so the back still does its original intention of trapping(they are Hemholtz type), and Really re-directed the bass to the center of the room instead of losing all the feel into the corners.. By the way I did not stop there, I had to have more after the breakthru, not only did the Volume gain go way up with the studio panels above the speakers but everything is cleaner and more sensitive, so I had a hanging 8ft long rug very nice in another room and moved it on the wall with my right speaker killing its first reflection, Again huge gains in energy directed at the listening position and much more smooth rather than sporadic music all over the place...

Well then I said screw it gotta have more! So I have a large bank of windows next to the left speaker, well it already has some expensive large verticle blinds over them, but I went and found some real nice realitivley heavy fabric Drapes to go over them, Damn now the balance and bass in the soundstage was like dead on and eminating from the center of the room instead of so much behind the speaker, and again further advanced the imaging and smooth highs.. By imaging I mean the voice now comes from about 2.5 ft off the backwall center and you would not even know the speakers are running, the sound completley has moved into the air and made them dissapear phantom style...

Finally I had a custom 9 ft X 6 ft rug put together this week too, and threw it right in front and between the speakers with the 9 ft length of course being horizontal in the room cause the speakers are roughly about 8ft apart, now we treated all surfaces with great clarity and bass room load is very apparent. So I have learned the backward way that yep you spend 9 g's on speakers you better have a room resonably up to the task, otherwise everything will sound very messy, and this was true with my other 3 pairs of speakers I had in this room before the Zu's, but the Zu's came much closer without as much hassle cause they just overpowered some issues, but then they also overpowered the room.

I now have experienced the absolute power of the room, it is the most important and might make any speaker fully enjoyable, I plan to go into a dedicated space in the future with diffusion panels and corner traps etc.. but for now this is as good as it gets, but I have a real bad hall right behind my left speaker that losses a ton of bass and balance on me but you would never know, so once I get a full wall I know the re-enforcment will be ludacris. You can actually walk behind my right speaker and tell its about 9 db better bass load than the left, but not that noticeable sitting in the listening position. Also, all this fires directly into a 20 ft room right into the kitchen which just bounces everything around behind the seating. Also, I found the distance of this speaker with the rear firing drivers is absolutley crucial in getting the best, I have to have minimum of 40" which really snaps things into place with higher output and eliminates the excessive boom factor reflecting off the backwall. Angle and distance apart will be critical as well, I found in my room everything is smooth as glass at about speaker distance 98" apart and with a 2" toe in on each speaker, very Warm and fuzzy sound, like a mcintosh amp or tubes running with vinyl. It took me about 25 different positions over the last 4 months to find the optimal for my space, but it makes a difference.
Warrenh,what do you run for a set.i may look into that soon just for the fun of it.these speakers are made for this.would like to compare the set to the vac.Undertow,where do you get the traps,how many do you need in a room and where do you place them mostly??sounds like you have the room dialed.i put on A3 the other day and i have never been bathed in better bass,simply the smoothest bass i have ever heard. can't see it getting any better,it was soooo cooool.where do you learn room treatment,or who do you call???? thks
2bigears, you can get 2 pretty cheap 4 foot by 2 foot traps that are 4" thick from Gikacoustics.com.. they are basic but most effective, but if not done up right very ugly. They are cheap though and use the whole corning fiberglass formula and the acoustic fabric all the room treatment costly companies use. These are designed to hang from celings and go kitty corner in the corners just as well, they are tuff to hang and get set though, best thing is to call them. Also, a big company that does more stuff but is a lot more money is the realtraps.com which are very popular and on their website many examples and formulas are given with pictures, honestly the smaller the room the more acoustic treatment in general you need due to the overall boundaries causing havoc on your speakers response, but bigger rooms can take care of a lot themselves due to the large amounts of air and space from sidewalls and things.. its all dependent and important in different ways to different rooms, depending on many factors including how high the ceilings are, and what kinda floors, and how many doors, windows, corners, etc... Rivesaudio.com is the a company that can develope entire room systems using several companies and these devices to completley tune your room probably within 95% of perfection, however super expensive just to get the consultation from them with no products or labor being bought even. I simply took the overall formulas that I see people use and are given by these companies and made some common sense judgements to get things somewhat dialed in much better... I would say I am about 60% good on the room but can get about 90% once I get a dedicated somewhat sealed off space, with many more corner wedges, traps, diffusors etc... Good luck, just remember a studio pays thousands to treat a sound room with good reason, there are huge advances, so someone can say "So and So studio uses these speakers" and now I can say so what, cause yeah they are probably very good but sound that way cause there are very excellent monitoring / mastering rooms they are setup in.
thks Undertow.things to think about,get ready for the cold weather and warm music.