your experience with mod or upgrade companies.....

i called c/j and talked with jeff, found out that cj now does upgrades for some of their equipment. my pv12 would be about 900.00 four just 5 caps. that seems a little high for just that amount of work. what other compy that you know of is doing this, i know a while back i heard about different ones, but you dont hear to much now. there was a group of indian guys i talked with a while back that seem to do a lot more for at lot less, but i forgot the name of them.. please give me your input, as always is appreciated.......
"07-12-14: Kennesawjet
I beg to differ, I now its not the premiere line but its not that bad of an amp.............."

I never said it was a bad preamp. The models that came after the PV-12 were a lot better, both the Premier and regular models. Just replacing the caps will not get you there. I know my recommendations are not the same as most of the other posters. But you did ask for advice, and I've owned the PV-12 when it was current and compared with several other CJ preamps. Its just my honest opinion.
07-12-14: Ebm
"Great Northern Sound was the best but there gone now good luck with the others."

Could not agree more. Steve and company turned my Wadia 861se player into a masterpiece.
zd542.. your advise may have been the best... you told me just what i needed to know. i didnt think just changing caps would be enough..thinking more toward getting new amp all together..
Trying to find members who have recent experiences with the Upgrade Company. Looking at a modded Oppo 105 from them but I noticed on their website that they don't disclose the mod work do to patents or proprietary secrets. I did see some pictures of the inside of a player on the AVS forum but thought there was no way that unit came from a reputable company.

There was some type of blue paint all over a circuit board and wires wrapped in what looked like aluminum foil tape.

Does anyone know if the Upgrade Company uses this blue paint and aluminum tape inside the unit?
I have a Oppo BDP-105. If and when I mod the unit it would most likely be sent to Mod Wright. Not too sure about the "Upgrade company". Both Mod Wright and Rick at EVS systems explain what is done and what happens to the unit when modified! If the Upgrade company choose to keep it a secret they won't get my money.