Vandersteen Quatro vs. GMA Calypso

Two excellent speakers from two of the best guys in the biz. I havent heard the Calypso's, but I have heard the continuum 3's and the quatros. You cant go wrong with either speaker; they represent the state of the art in speaker design. Ultimately it will be a matter of taste and preference. My taste? I prefer the quatro's for the following reasons:

1) Better bass (depth, pitch, timing) with room tailoring capabilities that work astonishingly well. This feature improves everything: soundstage, midrange, etc.
2) I think the quatros allow you to enjoy all types of music regardless of recording quality. The C3's can be a little threadbare and ruthlessly revealing.

The one thing that I did love about the C3's that the quatro's cant quite compete could crank the snot out of the C3's; they were unflappable.
I pose this question because both speakers are quite new to the marketplace and both retail in the same price range (well, the wood version of the Quatro's vs. the Calypso).

In theory, the powered integrated subs (with room response adjustment features) may give the Quatro's the edge. However, I haven't heard either, so I couldn't say. I have much respect for both Roy and Richard as designers - it would be an interesting battle between these two latest releases.
Give 'em a listen. The Quatro is superb...almost as good as 5As. Not sure about the GMA product.
I can honestly say that the Quatros are worth your time to audition though.
I know you didn't ask for opinions about other speakers and at the risk of offering one you may want to check out the Daedalus DA-1's. I haven't heard the GMA design you refer to but I have heard the Quatro on several occasions/locations for lengthy sessions. To my ear the DA-1's easily outperform the Quatro and for considerably less money. They look better too as they are crafted out of your choice of real hardwood (no MDF)--walnut, oak or cherry. The Quatro is a good speaker but not a great one. It has some resemblence to the sound of the 5A but is not nearly the performer of that great speaker system. The Quatro has a slightly warmer, euphonic presentation compared to the DA-1, which is more truthful to the recording without in any way being analytical. The Quatro also throws a wider soundstage with somewhat greater precision than the DA-1, which trumps the Quatro in off-axis response, providing a really wide listening window. In all other respects the DA-1 is superior--faster, more dynamic, able to play louder without strain, tonally accurate, musical, the bass is far more natural even when the Quatro is optimally tuned to the room. At 96db the DA-1 is more sensitive and open to different types of amplification--though the designer really likes high current solid state designs best. If live music is the reference point my two year search for a quality floorstander tells me that the DA-1's cannot be beat below $12K. I've only heard a few really high ticket speakers that rival or surpass them--the Vandy 5A being one of them. Sorry if this represents an intrusive response to your question but whenever I see people grappling with a speaker decision in this price range I feel compelled to tell them about the DA-1's. Give Lou a call if you are curious--he is a great guy who believes in what he does without the arrogance that sometimes attaches itself to people in this industry.
I'm unfamiliar with the GMAs, but can add one more positive voice to the Quatro choir. I've been thinking about 5As for a while, but after a recent audition, I can't honestly say that the 5As are superior to the Quatro Wood. Of course, I didn't listen to all material in multiple rooms, but from the brief session, I believe that I'd have a hard time identifying these speakers blind.

Other than the need to listen somewhat louder than other speakers for dramatic "presence" (I thought they were both a bit laid back at more modest SPLs) both the Quatro and the 5A are about as good as I've heard.

Good Luck


PS- I'll probably buy a pair of Quatros next week, unless I hear something (Zu Definitions?) at the LA show that changes my mind.