Are the Klipschorns mainly for Classical music ??

I recently purchased a pair of Klipschorns. I also purchased a pair of Cornwalls. It seems that the Cornwalls are crisp and clean and a shade boxy while the Klipschorns are a very open sound. I have found the Klipschorns to be very good for classical music and some Satriani and Eric Johnson. I find that classic rock leaves alot to be desired because the recordings seem to be less than what I expected. I would like to hear comments from Klipschorn owners as well as Cornwall owners......thanks
I give you that at $2200. A few mods and you got them to sound right. Are they worth $7k new, and you would still have to add the mods? Only one $58k speaker that would replace your big Ks?
I am very happy with my Carver equipment. I may go and listen to some tube preamps and amps to see if they are worth the investment. I will have another pair of Klipschorns by the end of the month. I am learning alot from all the Forum members and I honestly do appreciate each and everyone's help. Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.
Are they worth $7k new, and you would still have to add the mods?
I think you're referring to the brand new K-horn. I happen to prefer the heritage model. Ours were built in 1978, and we purchased them from the original owner.
Only one $58k speaker that would replace your big Ks?
I'm amazed as much as anyone is, yes. And I go out and listen to 3-4 systems per month, and for the past several years, in fact. In people's homes, dealerships, audio shows, etc. Not with the intention of coming home a winner, but rather with the intention of finding our next speaker. Yet, nothing hits me in the gut like music through the K-horn. There is a sense of expansiveness to the music, and an absence of restriction in the midrange that I find lacking in many other speakers, no matter what else I like about them. The K-horns reproduce music at a life-like stature, so that all of the instruments have a presence that is commensurate with what you know them to be. But again, they are not simply plug 'n play. A few minor tweaks, however, and they are outstanding. Pair them with a good SET amp, and you'll hear the violin playing in the room with you.

Allsmiles, a good tube preamp will elevate your system to a whole new level. Definitely worth trying them. And again, if you would state a budget for a CDP, I'm sure people could help you with your choice.
My Klipschorns are also '78's from the original owner. The ones I am picking up later this month are '92's. I will be interested in seeing if there is a difference. I welcome any cd player suggestions as well as tube preamps and amps. Boa....listen to the Celtic Woman cd or any of their single cds by Chloe, Meav, Lisa, Orla and Mairead. Also Enya "Shepherd Moons" is a great cd. Celtic Music seems to do very well on my Klipschorns. Early Iron Butterfly was fair. The first Black Sabbath cd is pretty good. Bridge of Sighs was a let down and I love that cd. Eruption by Eddie Van Halen is great !!! I am still checking out old cds.
Boa2, have you ever compared the Khorns to Altec 604's? I love large horn speakers, but have never heard Khorns. Just curious and interested in your impression of the similarities and differences.