Are the Klipschorns mainly for Classical music ??

I recently purchased a pair of Klipschorns. I also purchased a pair of Cornwalls. It seems that the Cornwalls are crisp and clean and a shade boxy while the Klipschorns are a very open sound. I have found the Klipschorns to be very good for classical music and some Satriani and Eric Johnson. I find that classic rock leaves alot to be desired because the recordings seem to be less than what I expected. I would like to hear comments from Klipschorn owners as well as Cornwall owners......thanks
Boa2, that was unfair.
If so, I apologize.
There is no mod in this world that could get me to purchase or enjoy your Klipschorn.
Personally, I'd have to hear a speaker first before drawing such a conclusion.
I cannot figure out your Klipschorn obsession for a minute.
Perhaps because it isn't an obsession.
Boa2, are you running for office? Circumlocution: you're a your babies...but remember who brought up the Z word..
All comments good and bad are welcome. I appreciate all the lively discussion. I will take all comments into consideration.Thank you all for participating in this thread. All advice is greatly appreciated.
Boa2, I would like to interject, although I hate how distastefull things get with the REAL hi-efficiency crowd.. One I would like to support my above comments about he mcintosh amp being a possible solution vs. the CARVER amp... Okay Carver may work well but mcintosh will work much better and probably eliminate MUCH doubt about the Klipsch ISSUE with
Allsmiles system and exact problem that he first explained.. Sunfire sounded great on mine with some Megadeth and fiona apple, both could be rock or hard rock but fell apart with ZERO depth on artists like Zeppelin or the beatles, very 2 Dimensional amps in my Case.. So I still support taking a Shot at a Mcintosh Klipsch combo might surprise you.. Now onto the "Other speaker" in question all of a sudden, well I can tell you MANY of the owners of the other Speakers in question were Originally KLIPSCH owners, growing up with SEVERAL of their horn systems, Myself owning K-Horns being replaced by the others and actually I just gave away my Cornwalls to a friend cause it was not worht the 500 I could sell to ship them.. I believe That experience with Former klipsch owners can be injected here, but we were kinda kicked out of the club when we moved from Hope arkansas to UTAH... But anyway K-Horns will give much a run for its money with a Mcintosh 6900 intergrated, with the added function of the 5 Band EQ I dare you not to make OZZY's WORST thinnest recording not sound good.. Just a suggestion.
Again, I apologize for causing a stir with my comment about the Zu peanut gallery. As Warrenh said, it was unfair, and indeed it was.

The principal issue here is the condamnation of a product that one has never heard. There is simply no reason for it, and such claims are categorically refuted upon the same grounds by many on this site, including those who have posted here. Most of us would not stand for an apples and oranges comparison of a product if the one referred to is a single iteration old, let alone one you've never heard at all. Upon what basis do you dismiss an unknown, especially when you yourself would defend against such conjecture? The bottom line is a Cornwall is not a Klipschorn, and a stock Klipschorn sounds nothing like a modded one. If you have no experience with the product or process being discussed, then your commentary is inapplicable at best, antagonistic at worst.

Again, sorry Warrenh. You're right, my comment was unfair, and I should have made my point in a more diplomatic manner.

Finally, thanks for the thread, Allsmiles. Please let us know how your experimentation settles.