Definition of "too Hi-Fi"

On numerous occasions others have described a speaker (or other component) as sounding “too Hi-Fi.” What does this mean? Isn't that exactly the goal? Doesn't High Fidelity mean faithful to the original, i.e., sounds like live music, live instruments, or a fool the ear impression of “I'm there,” or “they're here?” It seems contradictory to criticize something for being too close to perfection. Maybe that's taking it too literally. So. . ,

What does “too Hi-Fi” mean to you?
I agree the the term 'too hi fi' cannot be understood if taken too literally. To me, it means certain incidental sounds in the recording, be it studio or live, come to dominate or distract from the notes and rhythms of the instrument or voice.

Some find it exciting to hear every cough from the audience in a jazz cafe, the louder squeak of calloused fingers on a fret and string, the hum of feedback in a guitar amp in the studio, the sound of rosin on a bow drawn across a string, the gasping in-breath by a singer etc. I've heard systems where these non-musical (in my opinion) incidental noises can be magnified artificially at the expense of the music; that which the composer intended.

Those who delight in such effects, feel they bring a sense of 'realness' to the recorded performance. They are welcome to them, of course.

That is my working definition of 'too hi fi'

Both good responses above. If I was to try and crystalize or simplify, ("too high-fi" being the antithesis of the responses above) I'd say that "too high-fi" tends to draw your attention to the parts, as opposed to the whole musical experience, thereby substantially reducing its visceral and emotional impact. The "whole" is what it's all about in terms of communicating to you. The parts are incidental. "Too high-fi" is about the parts.
For me, it suggests a component or speaker that is striking because of its resolution and detail, but that precisely because of those characteristics, imparts an unnatural, and thus undesirable, sound. Early vintage Wilson speakers, and Halcro and Spectral amps, are good examples (I'm not saying that these examples are "too fi-fi" -- each person's hearing is different -- but many people believe they are).
Basically, a component or speaker so analytical, so perfect, and so cold, that you can't enjoy the music. Fortunately, I never heard any such thing.
The air is thick with philosophy tonight!

I believe the term "hi-fi" is used ironically by audiophiles to describe sound that does not exhibit high fidelity to the original music. Then again, I'm something of a simpleton.