Totem Arros - Set up


I building an Arros based 2-channel system for my 16 x 13 x 8 room. My listening position will be like 10 feet from the Arros. I listen to vocals, instruments, jazz and pop. This is what I am going with: Arros and REL Strata 3 (or) REL Stadium 3. But for building this set-up, I need some guidance from you.

1. I am thinking of using a Cary SLI-80 in the future. For now I want to go with either Jolida 302b (or) Primaluna Prologue 2. Which one would you recommend for better system synergy ?

2. Can the 40 watts from Primaluna drive the Arros to sufficiently good volume levels like 90 dB ?

3. Do we need to Bi-Wire Arros ?

4. What Speaker wire (or Bi-Wire) works well with Arros ? I am looking for reasonably priced ones as my budget is limited to $150 MAX for wires.

5. Can I Bi-Wire if I use Jolida 302b or Primaluna prologue 2 ?

6. What Interconencts are recommended between CD Player and Primaluna / Jolida ?

7. What power Source is reasonable choice ? ( $200 MAX )

I will highly appreciate your valuable input and will immensely help in setting up my 2 channel system.

I've owned the Arros and 10Ft. from the speakers is fine. In fact, the Arros can go very, very wide and that will not be an issue.

As for synergy, all three of the amps you are considering would drive the Arros without any problems up to your specified 90db.

Bi-wiring is not necessary and something to experiment with on a try before you buy basis.

If you find the Arros a bit too hot for your tastes, Tara, Cardas and Audioquest each offer some rather mellow cables. I suspect the Audioquest Type 4 would mate well at an affordable price.

You can bi-wire easily by using the spade terminations on one set of cables and bananas on the other. At least at the amp end...the speaker end doesn't matter and can be all spades or bananas or a combination.

I like the Audioquest King Cobra and Kimber PBJ interconnects for their high performance to value reasons. The Cobra might be the better choice for the tube amps because it has a strong bottom end and is shielded whereas the PBJ is not shielded...but is my preferred IC when shielding isn't an issue.

I'm not sure what you mean by power source.

Sounds like a fun system to put together.
3. No need to bi-wire. See the Totem site:

4. I use DIY Audio Exodus Crossstream Speaker Wires with mine.

What I meant is Power Supply to Jolida 302b (or) Primaluna Prologue II

Mike, you have some good ideas for amps and cables above. While I haven't heard either the Jolida or Primaluna with them, I have Arros and so can comment on how they may perform for you. I've run them on a 6550 based PP amp, and they sing!

Only issue I see is potentially not enough volume before the woofer bottoms out, like Machine says above. The sub will help, but you don't want to run your signal through the subs high pass circuitry as it'll muck up the Arros ability to dig out tiny detail. Your room is probably at the top end of the size the Arros will work in, even with a sub.

As for cables, I'd suggest the Speltz Anti-Cable. The Arro can be incisive to the point of overly bright, so if you go with a tube amp and mellower cables you'll help to avoid the nasties. Don't biwire until you're ready for a change.

Oh, and plug the amp directly into the wall.


I am not sure what you mean by "you don't want to run your signal through the subs high pass circuitry as it'll muck up the Arros ability to dig out ". Do you mind explaning it a little bit....particularly from the perspective that REL connections are made directly to the AMP terminals.
