Small monitors good at low listening levels?

I have tried the VS VR1, the Silverline sr 15, totem arros, and a pair of spendor s5e which I have now. Any other suggestions?
I would add the REGA R1 and the NHT Classic 2 and Classic 3 to your list. I live in an apartment house and tend to listen at fairly low volume levels. The smaller models from B&W and Epos sound best when played loud.

Regards, Rich
How much do you want to spend? Best monitor for all listening levels:
Green Mountain Audio Callisto.
My Triangle Titus ES sound very good at low levels, which is how I usually listen to them (bedroom system). I especially like that they maintain frequency balance well.
How small?
Harbeth Compact 7es is excellent at low volume.
Linn Katans and Tukans.
Neat Petite
North Acoustics Spirit
I would also ad Joseph Audio RM7si and Totem Model 1 signatures to that list.