Small monitors good at low listening levels?

I have tried the VS VR1, the Silverline sr 15, totem arros, and a pair of spendor s5e which I have now. Any other suggestions?
My Triangle Titus ES sound very good at low levels, which is how I usually listen to them (bedroom system). I especially like that they maintain frequency balance well.
How small?
Harbeth Compact 7es is excellent at low volume.
Linn Katans and Tukans.
Neat Petite
North Acoustics Spirit
I would also ad Joseph Audio RM7si and Totem Model 1 signatures to that list.
I second the Green Mountain suggestion and add that it holds for all of their models, including the $1000 Europas. It's why I bought them.
I had the same goals as you for my second (bedroom) system, and upon a recommendation from a very knowledgable audiophile buddy, picked up a pair of TAD TSM-300 studio monitors (originally made by Pioneer Electronics), and run them with a 2-watt 45 tube amp- great at lower and medium levels. Also- for lower level listening, I have found the preamp can make a difference here as well- in particular, the transformer-coupled passives (am using one myself in the above system) can be very pure and revealing at lower levels...