Looking for a bookshelf at 2k or less.....

I tend to like speakers that can reveal a lot of high-frequency detail. The ACI sapphire IIILE's seem to hold back a bit too much for my tastes.

I just listened to the Focal 807V and was blown away...so much detail and open-ness. Anyone know how these compare (besides being cheaper) to the PSB Platinum M2 or the Pradigm S2?

Sounds like you made a great choice. Having the Aurum Cantus V3M's, whose ribbon tweeter is from the same family as the G2, my bet is that you will love the quick and lifelike sound that, at the same time, is not "in your face".

BTW, your spot on - the HT1's are sure one beeeyoooootiiiifulll set of speakers.

I would have to say the ACI Sapphire XL's would be my hands down favorite at this price,with the Tyler Taylo Monitor 2nd and the Selah Audio SSR,and on the cheap end the Onix Reference 1's are on sale for $599 right now area steal.
I own (or did own) the ACI Sapphire III LE's and agree that the sapphire series are a great speaker. For MY tastes, however, they were a tad polite at the high-end....something that they've had a reputation for. I've heard that the Salk speakers are anything but...so I got the HT1's. They should be here next week. I'll give ya'll my impression.
My new Veracity HT1's have a arrived! During my lunch break, I hooked em up, and fired up some jazz. Holy cow! Their sound is amazing. Crystal clear in the highs... No noticeable coloration in the base or mid-bass. No strain at louder volumes...they just get..well...louder. Oh...and they are really really pretty. Bubinga wood . You can really see the level of detail and attention that went into these. If any of you are looking for monitors in the 2k (or so) price range, I highly recommend you give these a try....especially if you appreciate the nutral and detailed sound.

Craig I have to be honest with you its a nite and day difference between the Sapphire XL and the Sapphire III,the XL's are much better,in any area that you can think of.The XL's are on a totally different level than the III's or the 25th aniversary edition,Mike says that they are the finest speaker he has ever made,thats a huge statement for a guy who's been building speakers for over 30 years.Congrats on the HT-1's,I will be going to hear the HT-3's myself in a few weeks,enjoy!