Looking for a bookshelf at 2k or less.....

I tend to like speakers that can reveal a lot of high-frequency detail. The ACI sapphire IIILE's seem to hold back a bit too much for my tastes.

I just listened to the Focal 807V and was blown away...so much detail and open-ness. Anyone know how these compare (besides being cheaper) to the PSB Platinum M2 or the Pradigm S2?
I own (or did own) the ACI Sapphire III LE's and agree that the sapphire series are a great speaker. For MY tastes, however, they were a tad polite at the high-end....something that they've had a reputation for. I've heard that the Salk speakers are anything but...so I got the HT1's. They should be here next week. I'll give ya'll my impression.
My new Veracity HT1's have a arrived! During my lunch break, I hooked em up, and fired up some jazz. Holy cow! Their sound is amazing. Crystal clear in the highs... No noticeable coloration in the base or mid-bass. No strain at louder volumes...they just get..well...louder. Oh...and they are really really pretty. Bubinga wood . You can really see the level of detail and attention that went into these. If any of you are looking for monitors in the 2k (or so) price range, I highly recommend you give these a try....especially if you appreciate the nutral and detailed sound.

Craig I have to be honest with you its a nite and day difference between the Sapphire XL and the Sapphire III,the XL's are much better,in any area that you can think of.The XL's are on a totally different level than the III's or the 25th aniversary edition,Mike says that they are the finest speaker he has ever made,thats a huge statement for a guy who's been building speakers for over 30 years.Congrats on the HT-1's,I will be going to hear the HT-3's myself in a few weeks,enjoy!
Yeah, that's what I've been told. ACI makes a great speaker, no doubt, and I thought about moving to the xl's, but the Veracity's were really calling to me....and it was time for something different. After spedning a little time with the HT1's so far, I can say that I don't regret my decision