Speakers with imaging "Free of the box"

I am aware of several speakers that people say produce an image "free of the box": Green Mountain Audio Continuum, Ohm Acoustics Walsh, Reference 3a DiCapo.

What speakers have you heard that do this?
Evolution Acoustics MM3's. 575 pounds, 73 inches tall....a big speaker. it is truely 'free of the box'.

it does have a nicely curved cabinet where the tweeter and mid-range drivers are mounted.

it's a 3-way with a first order crossover....very seamless from top to bottom.

the cabinet is basically inert; it's made of 1500 layers of baltic birch plywood...glued together.

the ICE amp powered woofer/subwoofers are in sealed cabinets. many/most full range speakers that might disappear in the mids and highs have ported bass enclosures or some bass performance issues which do bring attention to them.

but even with all those issues; my opinion is that there are two other very significant reasons that the MM3's disappear......IN MY ROOM.

first; my room itself. it uses lots of diffusion to eliminate first reflections while retaining energy.......and all the built-in bass trapping keeps the bass under control.

second; the system has very low levels of distortion and a low noise power grid. any noise or distortion in your system will betray the speaker drivers and particularly the bass drivers. every time i find something that lowers the noise floor in my system the speakers disappear to a greater degree. the same for spiking the speakers compared to having then sit on pieces of carpet.

lower distortion = 'free of the box'....whether it is speaker design, room design, or system refinement.
Egglestonworks Andra Is and Andra IIs "disappear" when playing, and only reappear when the music goes off and the lights are back on.
Original Proac super tabletts for a box speaker was fab for just disapering.
The new Legacy Focus 2007 HD's after proper break-in and with the right equipment paint an image such as the one you are seeking with fantastic bottom, mid and top-end. The new drivers, cross-over, etc....are a big step up for this latest revision.

I own both the Focus 20/20's and HD's and was amazed at how the HD's have achieved a great 'disappearing act' that is free of the box if I understand your question correctly...