Speakers with imaging "Free of the box"

I am aware of several speakers that people say produce an image "free of the box": Green Mountain Audio Continuum, Ohm Acoustics Walsh, Reference 3a DiCapo.

What speakers have you heard that do this?
Egglestonworks Andra Is and Andra IIs "disappear" when playing, and only reappear when the music goes off and the lights are back on.
Original Proac super tabletts for a box speaker was fab for just disapering.
The new Legacy Focus 2007 HD's after proper break-in and with the right equipment paint an image such as the one you are seeking with fantastic bottom, mid and top-end. The new drivers, cross-over, etc....are a big step up for this latest revision.

I own both the Focus 20/20's and HD's and was amazed at how the HD's have achieved a great 'disappearing act' that is free of the box if I understand your question correctly...
Maggies and Vandersteen's have imaging free of the box but, from my experience the image floats unnaturally above the floor, is bloated, and never sounds to scale. Furthermore in both these examples it is not a shapely defined image at that. IMHO it doesn't sound like real players on a real sound acoustic stage, sorry. Yet, I see why many folks love them. To me it is a trick, smoke and mirrors. I need something more convincing or just maybe, in thirty-five years I've just never heard either set up properly.

Happy Listening! (or imaging, as the case may be)