Speakers with imaging "Free of the box"

I am aware of several speakers that people say produce an image "free of the box": Green Mountain Audio Continuum, Ohm Acoustics Walsh, Reference 3a DiCapo.

What speakers have you heard that do this?
Meridian M2 which I've owned for over 20 years
and the AP Virgo 111s in my main system.
Avanti 111s even in a crap system.
Cain & Cain Abbeys with my Audiopax which were a real ear opener. Ok only as wide as the speakers were apart but great depth and these really surprised me.
I fancy the Zu Presence but set great store by imaging qualities and have to listen near field - wll they do this?
Suppose I'll have to find out the hard way.
I've recently acquired a pair of Silverline Sonata III, and they are wonderfully free-of-the-box. Incredible imaging. As a friend said recently, they image like large two way monitors.
why is imaging so important ?

if the sound of an instrument is relatively free of timbral inaccuracy, what difference does it make if it seems to be projected from a speaker.

if you close your eyes or darken a room, it may be difficult to tell whether the music is coming from the speaker(s) or not.

by the way, does anyone use the term imaging, as applied to live music ?
Mr T, Why do you own two speakers and listen to music in stereo? Usn't that what stereo is all about? No? Then tell us why stereo was developed in the first place or do you just listen with one speaker.

Tvad - Dammed fine speakers you have there. I heard them driven by modest SS stuff. They were very impressive and they image as 'free of the box' as well as any speakers I've ever heard. Bought some Silverlines myself just to remind me why imaging is so important, along with all of the other things they can do better than my old Quads. :-)

Congrats on those Silverlines...did you replace the VR4 Gen III HSE or are you adding to your extensive collection?