Suggestions needed. Speaker audition...Dallas?

Have finally decided to upgrade my speakers and need suggestions.
Denon 2802
Bryston 3b (powering mains)
Arcam cd
Velodyn Subwoofer
Polk Monitor 5's

Tried some Paradigm SR 20's and was less than impressed. Much of the music just seemed lost. At equal levels a/b'ed with the Polks there was just so much missing. Vocals were nice but much of the music was so far in the background.
A lot of reading here and elsewhere has led me to Dynaudio Contour SE, Totem Hawk or Arrow, and Tyler Taylo Reference or Linbrook Signatures(no where to audition). An upcoming trip to Dallas will allow me a chance to audition the Dyn's and the Totem at Krystal Clear Audio. I am hoping for suggestions of other speakers and stores in the area.
Looking for accuracy, soundstage, depth, pace while maintaining the feel of the music.
I've been an Audio Concepts customer for many years, and have never found anyone there to be "arrogant." They are particularly helpful and knowledgeable. They are not a discount chain, but their advice and service after the sale are worth a great deal. Audio Concept is without a double the premier audio dealer in Dallas; the shop that all the manufacturers want to carry their gear. Good luck elsewhere in my experience.
I drove 4 1/2 hours and willing paid list for all my Ayre gear just so I didn't have to patronize Audio Concepts in Dallas.

Eldarado's assessments are pretty spot-on for dealers.

Sounds like what you're looking for can be found in a pair of Green Mountain Audio Callisto speakers.
I suggest Proac and Magnepan auditions at audioconcepts. It would be a shame to miss those brands in your instance. Probably call ahead of time to let them know what you want to hear.
contact stan at to demo some usher speakers. he is the distributor.
Glad to see you are looking into the Dynaudio's. As a dealer myself here in Oklahoma, I think they should be only everyone's short list for audition. They aren't for everyone as nothing is, but they are a first rate company to deal with and their products are phenominal.

You mention the Dynaudio Contour SE, that speaker has long been retired. Just wanted you to be aware and you would be hard-pressed to find a dealer that still has a pair. The Contour S1.4 is the newest model. However, if you can get an audition of the Confidence C1 monitor your search would be over for good. :-) I have these in my own personal system and I can pick from just about anything out there on the market. I chose the C1's.

Regardless, and I don't want this to be a turn-off for you to Dynaudio. The Denon receiver and the Bryston 3B will be somewhat of a weakspot in your system. The Denon being the biggest followed by the Bryston. Certainly nothing wrong with Bryston, we are the Oklahoma dealers for them as well. The 3B model is a bit weak on power imho for the higherend Dynaudio models. The Bryston 4B does a much better job. Bryston makes a tremendous product, however, the 3B just lacks the balls compared to it's siblings. The 3B is still a very good sounding unit don't take me wrong. I just wanted you to be aware it might struggle a wee-bit with the Dyn's.

Let us know how your audition goes.