Pros and Cons of built-in amps?

I would be interested in any experiences and opinions on speakers with built-in amps. There are some from well regarded companies like ATC and Genesis.
It would seem to me that running the source through a quality balanced cable directly to the speaker would be the way to go if possible. Thanks.
The PMC website is Meanwhile, try to pick up Hi-Fi+ Issue #30. The have several articles on active loudspeakers including separate reviews of the PMC AML 1's and the ATC Active 20. Then there is a separate article comparing the merits and shortcomings of both. This issue is indispensible if this is where your interest is. I hope this helps everyone.
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Have you managed to compare the AML-1 active to the TB2S-A? I have noticed a few comments by AML-1 users and those who have heard these speakers and the larger active ones. According to them, once we listen to active speakers, it will be extremely difficult to go back to any passive speakers. Reasons cited were greater dynamics and more resolution. Maybe the removal of the passive crossover in passive speakers have got something to do with the sound improvement.
Ryder, I never compared the AML-1's to any other PMC speaker. I would like to add two reviews if any of you are interested in the PMC AML-1's. The 6 Moons website did a very detailed review with a complete description of the construction and circuitry. It is in their archives and was posted in August, 2005. The other is in Audio Ideas Guide, a quarterly Canadian publication. They have a website and an archive section. The speaker was reviewed in Fall, 2001 and it has measurements. These reviews together should answer many questions. Check out Audio Circle under "Bryston" for even more information. There was a thread running there for these speakers with some pictures as well, it is about 4 or 5 pages in.
Thanks for the tip Usarrn. Actually, I have toyed around the idea of transforming my PMC LB1 Signatures into active speakers a while back as one of the forummers in Audiocircle suggested that it might work by removing the passive crossover in the speakers and getting the Bryston 10B into the mix. The use of ETF software and balanced mic are needed to measure post installation. I figured out this move is not viable as a pro is needed to perform this task. Furthermore, James Tanner of Bryston has advised against this move due to careful considerations that need to be taken into account in taking a passive design and turning it into an active system. Hence, I have scrapped the whole idea.

Since you have replaced the formidable full-range Avalon Eidolon's ($20,000 retail) with these small little actives, that shows a lot. Just out of curiousity, are you using any subwoofer with the AML-1's?