Pros and Cons of built-in amps?

I would be interested in any experiences and opinions on speakers with built-in amps. There are some from well regarded companies like ATC and Genesis.
It would seem to me that running the source through a quality balanced cable directly to the speaker would be the way to go if possible. Thanks.
Try ATC 19s or 20s--really great speakers for the money--slay all the competitors in their price range. Like all British products, you will be hampered by the low dollar to Euro.
The PMC website is Meanwhile, try to pick up Hi-Fi+ Issue #30. The have several articles on active loudspeakers including separate reviews of the PMC AML 1's and the ATC Active 20. Then there is a separate article comparing the merits and shortcomings of both. This issue is indispensible if this is where your interest is. I hope this helps everyone.
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Have you managed to compare the AML-1 active to the TB2S-A? I have noticed a few comments by AML-1 users and those who have heard these speakers and the larger active ones. According to them, once we listen to active speakers, it will be extremely difficult to go back to any passive speakers. Reasons cited were greater dynamics and more resolution. Maybe the removal of the passive crossover in passive speakers have got something to do with the sound improvement.