Spendor s3/5 upgrade recommendation?

does anyone tried upgrading the spendor s3/5. some says upgrading capacitor make a different? suggestion ? anyone have spendor s3/5 crossover schematic?
You might try the Spendor group on Yahoo. See:

However, speaking in general terms, Spendors are thought of as a very well-thought out design with very appropriate component selection. One typically doesn't see much in the way of mods being recommended or suggested.
Per Mlsstl's sentiment above , Spendor itself modded (changed the crossover) for the newer S 3/5 SE version and some (myself included) prefer the earlier version to the newer. Change is newer but not always better!
I too would strongly advise against altering the speakers. Depending on what you think you are missing, add a subwoofer or move to a different model.