Stereophile claims about Magico

Stereophile claims Magico has revolutionized loudspeaker design. All I see is standard design. Only 1 thing is slightly new, carbon nano tubes the carbon fiber cones already been done, aluminum cabinets been done. The driver array 1 tweeter 1 mid 2 woofers been done to death. The way magico attaches drivers old as the hills Ive got 50 year old loudspeakers that mount simlar. The way he designs crossovers is fairly standard. So whats the revolution the nano carbon tubes? Or just another bold claim on mag cover to sell issues.
From all that has been said here, one may think that there were different articles people read. “Useless hype” vs. “not the be all and end all”, TAS review was better vs. worst, some would not buy it because it is $45K, and one actually took RH V3 bass compliments so out of context that you really wonder about simple things like reading comprehension. Even when compliments are given, one will immediately add that his $5K 20 years old speakers is actually better. It is obvious, to me, from this and many posts here, that opinions have nothing to very little to do with merits. Even so called “preferences” that we all have, get tainted with egos here so fast that hardly any intelligent discussion can actually take place. As a V3 owner, I was waiting to see an SP review for long time. I can only imagine, and it was confirm, IMO, in the long “missing the scoop excuse” as to how difficult it must have been for SP to “agree” with TAS. Nevertheless, by now, the 2 main US magazines, 2-3 US on-line magazine, and many publications all over the world (Including 2 Japanese Grand prix award), agreeing that there is some merit to the brand. Such a consensus is unusual. But I guess to most of the commenters here it means nothing. Even when somewhat deeper than usual explanation is given to the unusual (Revolutionary?) methods MAGICO uses to build its products, one will claim here that his 50 year old loudspeakers is built similar... I guess the word entertainment comes to mind.
So here are a few revolutionary facts for you all: An acoustic suspension design (Sealed), 12” X 15” foot print, 88db sensitivity with in-room bass responses down to 20 Hz!. These speakers have more usable anechoic output at 20Hz then just about any other speakers SP has EVER measured. That includes some big behemoth like the Wilson MAXX2. Now add a -/+ 3 db flat anechoic from 40 Hz to 40K. No resonant box modes to be found. A 4 ohm nominal around the entire power region, superbly clean spectral-decay plot and IMD at single digits. All that at a price tag of $25K (I know it is expensive but so is Ferraris or Porches, if you have problem with these prices, why trash them? Simply do not buy them.) If that is not “revolutionary” enough for you guys, I would like to know what is.
Dhann,I have to give you credit.You are correct on quite a few points....But unlike the "gas crunch",consumers(on forums like this) have the ability to affect things,though to a small extent and maybe only sometimes.
I,myself, absolutely would consider a purchase of the Minis,if leaving my current dwelling(where I have a dedicated room).Yes,the speaker should be auditioned in a home environment to be fully appreciated.I personally love them,and am "not" rationalizing my comparison to what I own.

Also,the Magico cabinetry is "fabulous" and incredibly well constructed,but I don't believe the Magico way is necessarily the only way to achieve low/almost non existant cabinet noise.This is a subject that is open to debate,but there are more ways than some would know,to dampen a cabinet(effectively) and NOT store energy...Magico does a fabulous job(in marketing too),but they are not alone,and even some MDF/HDF boxes can be "made absolutely quiet" if skillfully attended to.

Ex:...Much of the TAD Ref is MDF,and is absolutely dead quiet,and loses NO musical information,through stored energy....I've enjoyed them on numerous occassions!!
Regarding the wonderful Magico Mini,in my friend's room,the low freq cut off is somewhat higher in his room than you may think(I cannot possibly see meaningful/useful output down to "anything" in the 20's,and he uses a fabulous/expensive SS amp),and all rooms will affect this.In my friend's room,the cut-off is 31 hz(I don't know how much of "that" is really useable bass).I know it satisfies me,but the "weight" cannot match some other designs(it's still great,btw).I repeat...I personally LOVE them "just the way they are"!
Yet,some of my other "bass obsessed" friends(actually very experienced audiophile/music lovers) think the actual weight/power of the bass is not that good...I disagree!!
This has caused quite a stir,in my little group of friends!And YES,the speaker is VERY well set up,and driven with top flight stuff!

To me,the speaker is fabulous!!....BUT, is "approaching" silly expensive,and there are those who will draw a line and seek out alternatives(think Ridge Street Audio Sason).

BTW,your V-3 is also a wonderful speaker,like many other fine designs,both new and somewhat less new.....Enjoy!!
I suspect that many of us hear so much hype regarding various stereo components that it is just easier to pass it off unless you could actually afford to own them / it. And since most of us here can't afford to own them, revolutionary is nice but in reality doesn't make much difference until we receive the trickle down technology. But is is nice to read about when in the library just like the exotic cars.
I for one could never consider spending 25k on speakers no matter how revolutionary they were unless they also did my laundry, cooked my breakfast, and kept me warm at night.
Sirspeedy - TAD is actually a great example how a similar design losses it’s magic once cabinet material is changed. The M1, which was constructed like the Mini, was a fabulous speaker. Unfortunately Pioneer, could not control the cracking on these cabinets. They also, I am sure, realized they priced them way too low. The replacement, the R1 are more expensive, built to a much lesser standards, and, unfortunately, IMO, a pale shadow sonically to the M1. It is not possible to build a world class speaker from MDF. Mainly due to low modulus of elasticity (MOE). MDF is simply not stiff enough, and therefore over damped for a proper bass enclosure. Even the most “talented engineer” cannot change MDF low MOE. There are good reasons why airplane wings are made of Aluminum and not MDF.
"There are good reasons why airplane wings are made of Aluminum and not MDF."
And none of them relates to sound!