Emerald Physics CS-2, Opinions Please

Hello all:

I found and read a couple of older threads regarding these speakers, I've been talking with the dealer, and I have read everything I could find on the internet. I understand the DSP's role and the need to bi-amp. The last step befor I plunk down the plastic, is to ask those of you that have them what you think?

What are the pluses and minuses? If you have had them for a couple of months are you still happy? any regrets?

Best regards,

I have tried a few different amps (both tubes and solid state) on the CS2's and while they have sounded good to excellent, I will say that your amps better have a low noise floor, especially tube amps.

While you don't need a lot of watts, at 100db (which I am honestly not sure how accurate that measurement is - I have a 96db pair of speakers and they seemed to play as loud or louder with the same setup), you do want to feed the CS2's as high quality amplification as possible.

The best combination I have found amp wise probably isn't the most practical, but for my tastes it is the cat's meow!

Atma-Sphere M-60's on the tweeter and Bella Extreme 100's run in pentode mode on the woofers. This four tube mono block configuration uses 38 tubes in total and I don't even want to think about my electricity bill. :-(

While I won't say the CS2's are the best speaker I have heard or owned, they are very good and hopefully they will be more than the flavor of the month.


If you are in the Boston area you can hear the CS2's at my place.

Kck- You may call it "threadcrapping" (new term to me but I am way too old to be a digital native); I imagine Tvad calls it healthy skepticism seasoned with a soupcon of cynicism. I don't think any insult was intended, but then again, neither of us is a direct party to the exchange. If peacemaking w/o apologizing is the same as agreeing to disagree, then I'm all for it. In fact I'm all for peacemaking in any form. This is not that serious an issue. For me at least, its like having a beer with folks of similar bent; friendly "arguments" discussions, whatever.
As our friend warrenh would say; peace.
Swampwalker, this page may give you and tvad some idea of insinuation and related etiquette:

If you are "too old to be a digital native", then you are surely old enough to remember when people in public had manners. And no, my meaning was not "agree to disagree". (People have a hard time with being corrected nowadays and look for alternative endings as a result; your suggesting this is an example).

My meaning simply was: "that's bad behavior and stupid to boot". Too bad I had to explain it. Now I will let it rest, but will understand if you must have the last word. I may re-join this thread to discuss the speaker, but will not address this topic again. There's only so much one can do or say to get the message across.