Von Schweikert speakers..

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I would be interested in hearing any feedback from folks who either own or have done A/B comparisons between the Von Schweikerts (any models but specifically the VR4 SR MKIIs or VR4 JR MKIIs) and the Wilson puppies and sophias or the B&W 802Ds. For those of you who own them I would be interested in hearing which amplifiers you chose to drive them and why. Thanks in advance.
Es3747, You are doing just what i did when I bought the VR4 SR MKIIs and i have not had any second thoughts 1.5yrs later. Have driven them with everything from Essance Amps to Mac MC250's, ASL Hurricanes, and a AR VS110. They sound like whatever is upstream.
See what a learning experience these posts are...now everyone can speak a bit of Yiddish...
Hello Es347,
I own the VR4sr mk2 and enjoy them. They are detailed, dynamic, and most importantly musical. You will be getting a great speaker. It's all about the enjoyment of the music.


That's the rub...I can't audition them without flying somewhere.
I understand completely. I too bought all of my VS speakers without audition. I did a great deal of surfing/reading through the archives here, and bought them used.