Von Schweikert speakers..

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I would be interested in hearing any feedback from folks who either own or have done A/B comparisons between the Von Schweikerts (any models but specifically the VR4 SR MKIIs or VR4 JR MKIIs) and the Wilson puppies and sophias or the B&W 802Ds. For those of you who own them I would be interested in hearing which amplifiers you chose to drive them and why. Thanks in advance.
Hello Es347,
I own the VR4sr mk2 and enjoy them. They are detailed, dynamic, and most importantly musical. You will be getting a great speaker. It's all about the enjoyment of the music.


That's the rub...I can't audition them without flying somewhere.
I understand completely. I too bought all of my VS speakers without audition. I did a great deal of surfing/reading through the archives here, and bought them used.
I bought my VR-7se's without an audition as well and have been very happy with the purchase.

If you were going to fly anywhere, I would suggest RMAF in Denver this coming weekend. AVS will be there as well as many other manufacturers of fine audio equipment - it would be a great way to get a comparative feel for what's out there. You might even get to meet the now-notorious Albert!!(who, by the way, has provided exceptional support to me, and is 1 of audio's true "good guys" IMHO).

Yes that would be pretty much ideal. I have been on the phone with Albert several times the last few days and have the VS4 SR mkIIs on order. I don't really need to hear them up front with the 90 day trial they offer. I am planning to attend the show in Las Vegas this January. Can't wait.