Von Schweikert speakers..

Hello ladies and gentlemen. I would be interested in hearing any feedback from folks who either own or have done A/B comparisons between the Von Schweikerts (any models but specifically the VR4 SR MKIIs or VR4 JR MKIIs) and the Wilson puppies and sophias or the B&W 802Ds. For those of you who own them I would be interested in hearing which amplifiers you chose to drive them and why. Thanks in advance.
"I don't think you'll be disappointed. And Albert's no crook."
Now on both counts it would depend on who you ask.
Happy listenig with your VSA speakers, you are indeed in for a treat. I have found driving them with my 50 watt tube integrated, or my 250 watt SS Acurus amp to be audio heaven.
I had the good fortune to have both Albert and Bob(above) at my home this past weekend to help tune my VR-7s and Velodyne sub to my room (as well as to help eat burgers and drink beers). It was a great experience and I now have an even better sounding system than I thought was possible. Albert's intuitive tuning sense is nothing short of amazing. Thanks again guys.....