How does smoke effect speakers?

I hear this all the time. so what's the deal with the smoke and speakers can someone explain? thanks for your input.
Martin Logan claims the smoke will yellow the clear film stretched out in the panel.
Not sure about smoke and speakers anymore than I'm sure about smoke and politicians.Or smoke and mortgage bankers.Sorry,good luck,Bob
Not sure about smoke and speakers anymore than I'm sure about smoke and politicians. Or smoke and mortgage bankers.
Usblues (Threads | Answers)

You are confusing them with smoke and mirrors.
so what's the deal with the smoke and speakers
Just don't let the smoke out of the speakers. It's very, very hard to put back in.
The tar and nicotine in the smoke will gum up you speakers making them sound slow and sluggish sounding.

Also your speakers can get cancer and tumors can grow right out of the woofers from the second hand smoke.

Now if you are talking about Pot smoke well that's a different story. You're speakers will get addicted to the smoke and want more. If you don't give it the "smoke" it will not sing right till you do. Keep this up and your speakers will want a stronger smoke and now you have a real problem on your hand.

Best to smoke outside or just give the nasty s--t up.