How does smoke effect speakers?

I hear this all the time. so what's the deal with the smoke and speakers can someone explain? thanks for your input.
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Its really just about offensive odor in all but the most extreme case' those situations a heavy film of residue can build up and be even more offensive and difficult to clean. As far as actual damage thats harer to pin down and many sellers use the term simply because it has become a mark of care and quality, many audiophiles have pets and kids with no evidence or damage to that affect left behind but they always list no kids or pets.
I have actually been on phone with a seller who put me on hold to let his dog in, another's cat clawed him causing him to let me know his pain and yet anothers dog went crazy when door bell rang, yet all these guys listed no pets.
Certain smoke makes the speakers seem larger.

Cigarette smoke causes them smell bad to the next owner (unless he too is a Marlboro Man).

Some people claim smoke causes foam surrounds to deteriorate more quickly.
I find that lots of smoke makes the music sound more live or concert like.
Martin Logan claims the smoke will yellow the clear film stretched out in the panel.
The tar and nicotine in the smoke will gum up you speakers making them sound slow and sluggish sounding.

Also your speakers can get cancer and tumors can grow right out of the woofers from the second hand smoke.

Now if you are talking about Pot smoke well that's a different story. You're speakers will get addicted to the smoke and want more. If you don't give it the "smoke" it will not sing right till you do. Keep this up and your speakers will want a stronger smoke and now you have a real problem on your hand.

Best to smoke outside or just give the nasty s--t up.
Not sure about smoke and speakers anymore than I'm sure about smoke and politicians.Or smoke and mortgage bankers.Sorry,good luck,Bob
Not sure about smoke and speakers anymore than I'm sure about smoke and politicians. Or smoke and mortgage bankers.
Usblues (Threads | Answers)

You are confusing them with smoke and mirrors.
so what's the deal with the smoke and speakers
Just don't let the smoke out of the speakers. It's very, very hard to put back in.
I have found it makes female voices sound rough and gravelly, kind of like Selma Diamond.
Depends on the kind of smoke you're talking about, but it can either make your speakers sound like they are firing straight into your brain and especially with multi-channel music, make your feel like you are getting the most insane head massage, or they can make you feel like you want to stab yourself in the heart or into the woofer or jump out your window.
I was always told cigarette smoke deteriorates the surronds on old speakers. This is referring to the surrounds that were like foam as opposed to the modern surrounds that are rubber. Don't know if this is true or not.
Thanks guys;My first laugh of the day. 'Wish I was creative enough to add something;besides more smoke.
Even though I'm not a smoker, I've found that cigarette smoke makes my speakers sound sort of dry & harsh, while cigar smoke makes them sound somewhat coarse, but in an interesting, earthy way. The best smoke, smoke that SERIUOSLY improves both PRAT and Air, is from glowing jasmine-patchouli incense sticks held up by a burned-in shatki-stone holder. The stone needs to have a green-marker stripe on it at 45 degrees to the sticks while the stone itself sits on a large block of unfinished rock-maple that's spiked into the floor. The incense sticks themselves must be of hand-hewn myrtlewood and seasoned for at least three days in the urine of a in-season booroola-marino ewe...though I've heard that yak-urine also works.
lets now forget that almost everything in a room where people smoke cigarettes will start to reek. Ever been in a hotel room where smoking is allowed. The bedding, curtains and everything else in the room are filled with the smell of stale smoke. I can see the grill cloth of a speaker in such a room having a smell to them that you would then bring into your home if you bought them.

02-26-09: Rja
Cigarette smoke makes your speakers stink dude!!!

You got that right. Even more so for electronics. It's amazing - I can usually perdict the chances of the previous owner getting lung cancer by simply opening the box when the used gear is shipped to me.
I found an old Marantz 1060 amp at Goodwill which I purchased for next to nothing. The owner must have been a chain smoker since the exterior was all gunked up and yellowed. After it was energized and warmed up, you could smell the nicotine. It is now sitting out in the barn.
You can clean up the nicotine (on the outer surfaces of electronics) with rubbing alcohol.
I suppose, if the speakers are really nice, you could consider it a "patina" as they say on Antiques Roadshow :^)
Do NOT refinish, it will ruin the "value"!
I used to service a lot of loudspeakers in the old days. You could always tell if the speaker was owned by a smoker- of course they would smell, but the suspensions of the drivers would usually be rotted long before their time.

The same is true of the rubber parts in turntables and tape machines!
When they cough it really hurts my ears; not to mention the raspy growls of the upper mid-bass and the wrinkles on the finish is really aesthetically gruesome. But the worst part is the irritating whine from the tweeters when they are smoke-deprived....drives a man crazy.
Hey Bill, you gonna sell those new technology speakers that are supposed to have great bass? I hear they call them "Newport" speakers..............OUCH!
The Kool is a full range speaker with a high pass charcoal filter.

Smooth and satisfying.

Each Kool is packed in a crush proof carton.
Good to hear from"Joe Walsh" as a reference. I remember a line from a comedian saying the day was way to nice and clear; as in "I need To See The Air I'm Breathing".
Smoke effects the listener more than the speaker especially the kind of smoke they blow at most high end stores.
I find that when I burn my food and fill the house full of smoke, my soundstage collapses.
Menthol seems to create a thinner, airier presentation, while Regular has a fuller, richer sound.

The surgeon general has warned speakers that smoking is highly addictive, and draws you in.