LFD zero vs plinius 9200 vs MF A5 for spendor 8se


I'm trying to find a matching integrated amp for my spendor 8se. Price range is sub $2k for used. Plinius 9200, LFD zero and musical fidelity A5 are on my list. Any advice? Best match? Other recommendation?


Go look at the review from The Absolute Sound Magazine back in December,2007....they were comparing the Luxman L550 mk2 to a "Mcintosh c46 pre-amp and Mcintosh mc402 amp" and it SOUNDED just as good as the "high priced Mcintosh Reference gear" ....!
Luxman was a great legacy brand from Japan in the day. Good to see it get resurrected after two decades of neglect.
Does anybody own a Plinius amp prior to trying the LFD Zero Mk3 amp? I am wondering whether the LFD integrated would be a significant improvement to my Plinius and ARC combination. I'm currently looking at some good high-end integrateds as an alternative to my separates and the LFD(apart from the French-made Lavardin IT) has peaked my interest.

Has anybody compared the LFD Zero MkIII back-to-back with the Lavardin IT? Are these two integrateds in another level compared to the Plinius SA-100MkIII/ARC LS-16 combination in terms of quality and performance(taking system matching out of the context)?

Thanks in advance.