distance between speakers

been reading a few articles on speaker placement to get idaes on how to best position mine.
When people talk about the distance between spaekers do they mean inside edge to inside edge or tweeter center to tweeeter center ... or something else
also when they say x feet to the back wall do they mean x feet from the back of the speaker to the wall behind or x feet from the front of the speaker?
I measure from the speaker driver (tweeter) itself, not the speaker cabinet, and I think most seasoned set up folks do also. Measuring from the cabinets would introduce far too many variables and make recommendations/observations unreliable.
I agree with Newbee. Measure from the center of the driver. Different speakers will require different distances in the same room. For instance, the ESP speakers in my room are spaced further apart than when I set up the N802's. Front wall spacing is different as well.
Look at the thread entitled Help What's Wrong With My System........some great ideas in there