distance between speakers

been reading a few articles on speaker placement to get idaes on how to best position mine.
When people talk about the distance between spaekers do they mean inside edge to inside edge or tweeter center to tweeeter center ... or something else
also when they say x feet to the back wall do they mean x feet from the back of the speaker to the wall behind or x feet from the front of the speaker?
Look at the thread entitled Help What's Wrong With My System........some great ideas in there
I was reading that "Get Good Sound" book at my friend's place. That book is recommending a general guideline of 83% of the distance of the driver to the listener's ears (should be the same distance for each speaker) as a good place to start for the distance apart. Yes, as above, measure from the driver-center and not the cabinet.
Every speaker and every room is different. In my 50+ years of audiophilia, I've never had a room that didn't have irregular measurements or opennings that would defeat this extremely naive measurement concept.

You need a method that equalizes the energy from the speakers and fits them into the room in such a way that their energy is equalized. The Sumiko Master Set is the only method that I know of that accomplishes the goal. If you interested, a search on A'gon will easily locate some deeper discussion for you.
