TOTEM Sttaf removing mass loading

I am considering the purchase of a totem sttaf. They have been loaded with kitty litter by the owner. The owner says this makes shipping difficult, and even if removed there could be problems caused by left over kitty litter moving around in there. This worries me, I would like to be able to remove all of it and have an unbiased speaker. Does anyone have experience with removing mass loading from a Totem Sttaf speaker? Please explain how to remove mass loading. Please also explain if you believe that if you remove the mass it is safe to ship. Thanks.
Be sure to impress on the seller that the removal of ALL the mass loading material before shipping is important.

A 25% full compartment is worse than a 100% full one. Think of the pile driver effect as the fill material moves around. They'll also cost less to ship if completely empty.
Is the load compartment completely isolated from the rest of the cabinet on the sttaf?

If so, I don't see any issue with unloading at all, the issue becomes quite trivial actually.
Is the load compartment completely isolated from the rest of the cabinet on the sttaf?
yes, it's a separate chamber at the base of the speaker. It's purpose built for loading, and you're right - it's a trivial concern.