GMA Europa VS Quad 12L

Own GMA Europas but does anyone have any experience with the two and know how they compare to each other. Might want to trim down my system and the quad are in my price range. Thanks
I own Europas and Quad 12L Actives. The problem is I haven't listened to my Europas in about a year and only recently got the Quads. And the Active 12's may be quite different from the passive ones, I don't know.

Rough impressions are that the Quads are more detailed and a bit more forward but probably don't image as well as the Europas and are not as open as the Europas.. I'd say the Quads, though very neutral, are a bit more "hi-fi" and a bit less refined. Funny because I would not describe the Europas as refined. Both are very good at low volume, with the nod going to the Quads.
Agree the 3d imaging~transparency of gmas is in another league found quads 2 be fatiguing
I own both and use the quads in my living room/second system. I loved the quads out of the box, and replacing my active preamp with a luminous axiom passive took them to another level. I would agree that the quads are more forward and a bit less refined, but they are very pure and to my ears, not fatiguing in the least.