Integrated tube amp for Coincident Super Eclipse

Before I sell alot of my gear (recent job loss) I am wondering what integrated tube amp would be a great match for my Coincident Super Eclipse llls? What about SET amps? For whatever reason, I am thinking of a Cayin A88T as a good match.... any suggestions? I listen to folk, rock and jazz and my room is 12'x25'.
Thanks for the responses...I am using a NAD 325BEE. Packed up my Quad 909/99 to sell next month. Don't need the power. The NAD sounds pretty good but just curious about using a tube integrated with these speakers. Looking at no more than $1250.00 for a used integrated amp.
I have the same speakers and am using them in a 14X24 room. I used to use 8 watt SET amps and those worked great, but, per the previous suggestion, I'd choose a different amp for rock (I don't listen to much). Currently using a Modwright KWA 150 which is a great match, but probably not what you're looking for as it's not integrated and out of your pricepoint. Integrates at the $1K point I'd consider worth auditioning that would excel in rock and still sound great in your other preferred genres: Portal Panache, Rega Mira III, Audio Refinement, Creek 5350SE.
I use Welborne Labs Laurel IIx Ultimate Upgrade SETs with WE300B (new production) output valves on my Super Eclipse IIs. I'm listening to the new CD of "Soft Parade" (The Doors) from Audio Fidelity as we speak. My listening room is 24x13 (apartment dweller). Sounds great - no problems; plenty of volume for my needs.

I'd look for a used Almarro A318B integrated (~$1,900 new, ~$1,100 used) which is an 18 wpc amp using Single-Ended 6C33C-B tubes for output.

I have owned both the "A" & "B" versions of this amp("B" is far, far, better, especially for rock), it is simply fantastic and performs far beyond it's price range. In it;s own unique way, it's musical presentation was just as satisfying as my Welborne DRD 300B & Art Audio PX-25 SET($9k) amps. (Not saying it was just as good, but just as musically satisfying in many ways)

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I don't know your speakers , yet . But I wonder how my Primaluna Prologue 2 would sound . It will take a myriad of input and output tubes and is self/auto biasing which makes tube rolling a breeze . It may not be an end all/be all solution but it can be a good tool to experiment with to discover what you like in the world of tubes .
Plenty of power for rock , nice detail and extension and available here from time to time for less than your stated price ceiling . If you don't like it it is easy to pass it on to the next audiophile .

Good luck .