Shindo and Coincident

To coincident TE 2 owners (or any coincident owners)
Any experience with Shindo gear - specifically the Cortese?
This is all about my recent infatuation with SE amps.
My Yamamoto A-08S seemed overwhelmed, but there were moments of pure palpable midrange bliss. My Manley neo 250 in triode just does not reproduce that magical feeling. So I am thinking either Frankenstein, Art Audio, or most intriguing of all - Shindo Cortese. Please respond if you can enlighten me.
Shindo might be fine.
You also might want to pick up a Canary Audio amp.
300B's run in push-pull mode.
Probably perfect for that speaker and can usually be found cheap used on Audiogon.
Be careful of Shindo if you buy used. I get the impression that the dealers and distributors are not too supportive of owners of used Shindo products unless you buy it from a dealer. Also they tell me system Matching is much more critical with Shindo and use of short interconnects much preferred. Audition before you buy this one and use a dealer.

I would not under any circumstances buy a product from any manufacturer who looks down upon secondary owners. Its rude, cheap, pathetic...and totally unprofessional. Now, have you looked at Wyetech Labs? Personally, I love my Opal pre...and as far as the amps go...some of the best period in the field. Good luck.

I don't know what your budget is.. but I second the suggestion of Wyetech. I know that Roger has (or had) Coincidents at his home. I have a Topaz 211C.
So far I have nods for Canary, Wavelength, and Wyetech labs. Still no word on Shindo, Art Audio or the Frankensteins. This should be a very instructive thread for me and anyone vested in the Coincident TE2 and SET amps. Please keep your thought coming.