RMAF Loudspeakers?

Seeking ideas for high sensitivity (95+dB), 6-8 ohm nominal, flat impedance loudspeakers to audition at RMAF.

Daedalus Audio is one I am aware of.

I would have liked to listen to offerings from Devore, Zu Audio, WLM and Audiokinesis, but those manufacturers are not listed as exhibitors.

Any other ideas I may have overlooked?
Duke - My woofer is the LE 15B mounted in it's native L-200 enclosure. There are two round port tubes, 4 inches in diameter and 7 1/4 inches deep, in the front baffle.

The literature says this woofer has a 19.5 lb. Alnico magnet and edgewound copper voice coil. Bill Woods says it is one of the finest 15 inch woofers ever made and comparable to the best that TAD makes today.

The character of the bass is very refined and detailed but, as I said earlier, the extension only reaches to 50 Hz. or so. I roll it off below 37.5 Hz. with my crossover but I think it is already down more than 6 db at that point.
Tetra 506/505 look interesting. Mixed reviews (positive from Jim Merod and Jeff Dorgay, negative comments from JohnAtkinson, and an appreciative, if not positive review from Paul Bolin).

Not high sensitivity at 92dB (Atkinson measured it at 87+ dB), but flat impedance at 8 ohms nominal and 7 ohms minimum.

Anyone have any experience with them?
Pardon the Interuption:
This is off topic, but I wanted to invite you all for a meet and greet for Audiogoners at the RMAF.
Vetterone (Steve) and I have organized a get together directly across the street from the Marriott Tech Center on Saturday night @ 6 PM at Garcia's Mexican Restaurant.
We did this last year and had over 50 Audiogoners join us. Garcia's are creating a Happy Hour for our group and the Beer (5 brands of Draft) and Mix Drinks will be half price.
They also will serve some Chips and Salsa (gratis). You can eat there afterwards if you like. The food is quite good Mexican and priced reasonably.
Hopefully, you can all join us. Please pass the word.
Best Regards,
Larry (Cello)
Gr Research will have their new Open Baffle speaker, called the V1 or V2 I believe. It is about 96db sensitive and full range. Danny Ritchie is the designer and he has a couple of rooms at RMAF. I own his lower priced bookshelf speakers and I'm pretty thrilled with them