
Responses from stevecuss

Jolida Fusion Preamp Guidance please
Yes, that's who I spoke with today, thanks. Walter was very helpful and gave a frank opinion on what it is and isn't. I suppose a two tube preamp is going to be better, all things being equal, to a high end older AVR. 
Jolida Fusion Preamp Guidance please
Ok, I called a Jolida dealer and got the low down. His take was that the Dac/Pre is a lot of kit for the money and high value, but not in the realm of a dedicated tube pre. The classifieds has a Abacus Aikido which looks intriguing and my local cr... 
Jolida Fusion Preamp Guidance please
Thanks very much - I'll call them tomorrow as I can't make sense of the info from their website. Keeping digital and tube separate makes sense with the ever changing digital landscape - I'll have to keep that in mind 
Mesa Boogie Strategy 400
I'd love to hear more on this - I'm a guitarist who loves playing through a tube amp and I'd like to dip my toes into the tube world for home stereo, but the pricing is giving me pause. Carvin claims their T100 is great for home stereo application... 
Apple Airport Express oddity with new (to me) Arcam AVR350 receiver
Yeah, that might be my only option, or get an Apple TV 3rd Gen.  I just bought a Grant Fidelity DAC-11 and it won't decode the digital out of the AEX either. I reconnected my older Rotel gear to the AEX and it works just fine. Really weird that so... 
new pre/pro recommendation request
Thanks very much for the responses - somehow I didn't see the a'gon notifications, so I apologize for the delay in my response. I ended up buying a used Arcam AVR350 receiver and will be receiving a GF Tube Dac this week to use for streaming music... 
Next step: tube pre or tube power amp?
I'm very happy with the response so far, but to answer your questions, my room size is 15 by 25 or so (open family room/kitchen layout) and is highly compromised by non musical needs. Currently, the best listening position for the music is while w... 
New Jolida DAC for $100???
I heard it at RMAF. They were running a music server through it, into their little 10 watt tube amp (FX series, I think.) I don't recall which speakers they were playing through. Incredible sound overall - the FX is impressive for $450. The Jolida... 
Very Small 2.0 Amp for Totem Dreamcatcher
Lots of great choices in that price range. Since you're running one input, I'd suggest a Virtue Audio amp - they are very compact and I heard them at RMAF and came away impressed. The peachtree was also excellent (I heard the more expensive Nova, ... 
RMAF Loudspeakers?
I went to RMAF, although could only stay a couple of hours. As mentioned earlier in this thread, I own a kit pair of GR Research AV3s (customized in an AV2 cabinet, if anyone cares.) These are their lower end line, but give any bookshelf speaker a... 
RMAF Loudspeakers?
Gr Research will have their new Open Baffle speaker, called the V1 or V2 I believe. It is about 96db sensitive and full range. Danny Ritchie is the designer and he has a couple of rooms at RMAF. I own his lower priced bookshelf speakers and I'm pr... 
Ultimate DIY speaker design?
I built a DIY kit last year and I'm thrilled with the result. Could you offer some more info, re: budget, size constraints, music preference etc? That would help us give a better recommendationSteve 
Next step: tube pre or tube power amp?
Hi Folks,I like the idea of a tube integrated and I'm looking at the Jolida 302b - looks like a great entry level tube amp and its quite modifiable. I'll also look at some of the other chinese outfits - ming da and Cayin etc and start saving my pe... 
Next step: tube pre or tube power amp?
Hi Folks,thanks again for all your feedback and I know the world of tubes is both complex and opinionated. I'm a guitarist and a tube snob when it comes to guitar tone, so I assume I'd also prefer tube sound in my listening. For guitar, there is s... 
next step for my setup? advice appreciated
Hi Folks,just a quick update as I have greatly appreciated everyone's feedback. I bought a Valab DAC and it offers a definite improvement over the analog inputs. I since found a Rotel RSP985 on a'gon which is a digital pre/pro and I'll sell the Va...