Is the B&W 600 series a good value?

Hey guys, I demoed the B&W 685's recently and I was very impressed. But it might be because I have little experience with other speakers.

This will be for a 10x12x8 room dedicated to my 2.0 setup. I'm on a budget and would like to keep the speakers under $1000. The

However, before I make a purchase... what's the general consensus on B&W speakers, particularly the 600 series. Could I do a lot better for my money by going with an internet-direct brand? Or are B&W speakers a good value?

Also, I know this may be "shallow" or not "audiophile-like", but I have to mention that aesthetics are very important to me... I do not want an ugly looking speaker, no matter how good it sounds. This is one reason B&W's attract my attention.

I know I should let my ears decide, but I just wanted to get some opinions.

That would go above your $1,000 budget. Anyways the N805 will not only be a more composed speaker than the 685(more refined sound across the entire spectrum- better highs, mids and bass quality) but you are paying for the beautiful woodwork as well in the curved cabinet. I have owned a pair before and have owned the CDM1SE for 9 years. Another point is the 800 series, together with the 700 and earlier 600 series are all made and assembled in the UK and not China.

Price-wise is subjective but I would think it's quite a fair to good deal. If compared with other American brands then others will have a different opinion as mentioned in the earlier threads(tax and mark-up issues).

If you listen at fairly low to moderate volume levels in a small to medium-sized room then power becomes less of an issue. Otherwise, more current would be beneficial.

If you like the current 685 sound and prefer the looks of the 805's cabinet, it is worthwhile to consider the speaker. As mentioned by other forummers here which I also agree, there are other options that can give comparable or better results for the same money(as always with most gears). It is your money and choice so good luck in whatever your decision.
hey ryder, i know there are ID brands that might give me more value... but i have not seen a bookshelf design that i like more than the 805's... most ID brands, while im sure they sound superb, look too plain for me

i do love the 685 sound and judging from your response, the 805N's would be a noticeable upgrade

my budget was set at <$1000, but this looks like a good deal considering they retailed at $2000+

seems to me it'd be worth it, he's actually local to me so i'm going to go take a look/listen

just curious as to how much power i'll need.. not sure if the 125WPC UPA-2 would be sufficient
Hi Koven, not familiar with UPA-2 but 125W would be more than sufficient for the 805. Anyway you can always use the Peachtree Decco to drive the 805(if you happen to end up with these) and hear the results for yourself before making any hasty decisions for another amp upgrade. I believe you would do fine at low to moderate volume levels.
thanks for the advice

in a few hours, i'm going over to the seller's house to take a listen..

so hopefully the next time i post (if all goes well), i'll have the 805's in hand :)
If you are drawn to the 805's, I would get them. Very little risk on your part at that price.

I like the Decco and have heard it power some nice Vienna Acoustics floor standers to moderate volumes without losing control. But I have heard similar amps under-drive the 805S and it was not very engaging, whereas an 80 wpc tube amp was heaven with the same speakers.

I like your idea of combining the Decco with the Emotiva amp to drive the 805's. I assume you have the Decco because you need the DAC? If not, I might suggest selling the Decco, passing on the Emotiva and getting the Cambridge 840A that is currently on sale on Audio Asylum to drive the 805's - a good value. Just a thought.