Help me chose: Verity - PBN Montana - Gemme Audio


I am looking a pair of used speakers and the following are available near me:
Reference 3A Grand Veena - $6899
Gemme Audio Katana - $6054
VERITY AUDIO Fidelio - $4224

I do not have anything today :/ I miss listning to music through some "real" speakers. What I do have however is a source. I will use Modwright Transporter to play FLAC/Wav.

I would consider myself a musiclover foremost and audiophile second. What I mean is that I am not looking for a super detalied sound that will make bad recordings sound shit. I hate thin sound and treble that gives you headache. Detailed and organic is what I am looking for, I think. I want to be emotional engaged in the music.

I would rather give up some detail for speakers that breath life.

Bad recordings can not be fixed, that I know.

Sorry for my bad english, I am Swedish ;)


The Verity's are a very very nice speaker. Tat would be my choice. PBN would be my last choice.
Based on their Ads alone, I too would put PBN last. The Verity or Sonus Faber would probably meet your stated preferences.
I agrre with 4musica44107. Go with the Verity's. I had them and was very happy. I now own Verity Parsifal Ovations.
Hi Bvdiman,

Interesting response, what in particular do you mean with "Based on their ads alone" - you of course are entitled to your own opinion but we have got a tremendous response from the ad campaign running in Stereophile, overwhelmingly positive. They are meant for you to actually stop and read the ad, not just glance on a pretty picture and read a corny caption like 99% of ads.
